Dr. E. Jack Kennedy
October 2, 2007

Condolences to Doctor Kennedy’s family. I was a young patient of Doctor Kennedy’s. In about the late seventies and early to mid eighties. I remember him putting his finger through the eye frame of his glasses touching his face and I thought he was doing magic. As I didn’t realize that the glass was missing from the one side of his glasses. I was about four years old. I remember Doctor Kennedy showing me medals in his desk drawer and talking to me about Track and Field. As I was super competitive as a sprinter and long jumper. I remember seeing him at the Blue Mountain Restaurant downtown Mount Forest. Always had coffee and the sugar he would pour into his coffee was incredible. My mom Dianne (also patient of Doctor Kennedy) would laugh and whisper across the restaurant table, “and he’s a dentist….” He also gave me great advice when I was in my twenties and ran into him at the Blue Mountain Restaurant one random chance meeting. Choosing a partner for life was the topic of his advice. “Make him mad and see what he does. “ Doctor Kennedy was the best doctor I ever knew. God Bless you all.
— Beth bailie, January 19, 2024I am very sorry for your loss. In the early 1990s, Jack's "Cork N Beans" cartoon and my "Avridges" strip ran together in the old Durham Citizen. It was wonderful to learn that he led such an amazing life and that he also hailed from the Dundalk/Flesherton area, where I've spent a large part of my life.
— Jeff Wilson, October 18, 2007My sincere condolences to the Kennedy family for your loss. Dr. Kennedy was my dentist since I was a wee lad until his retirement. I thought you did an outstanding job on the obituary. It showed me a whole side of Dr. Kennedy that I never knew. Sure wish i could have read one of his cartoons.(LOL) Could have used some humor while sitting in the dentist's chair!!!! I will miss him. Jeff
— Jeff Harrison, January 1, 2010Sincere condolences to the Kennedy Family. Jack was one of a kind and there are many good memories over a lot of years for our family. My personal favorite was the tap water coffee and talking about the lastest issue of Trotter while waiting for the freezing to kick in. The Quarrier Family.
— Diane ( Quarrier) McDonald, January 1, 2010To Sue and family: Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and am very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I read the obituary, and can tell he was a wonderful person who will be greatly missed. If I can help out at out, please let me know. Sylvia
— Sylvia Jaago Lelievre, January 1, 2010Dear Sue, Very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
— Jennifer Patrick, January 1, 2010I was very saddened to hear the news of Dr. Kennedy's passing. His kind nature and quirky sense of humour will be greatly missed by myself and other members of my family.
— Sue Spahr, January 1, 2010jack always had something to say good or bad it was always the right thing to say god rest jack it was nice to know you kevin coutts
— kevin coutts, January 1, 2010I'm sorry I wasn't there, you were my second Dad. I will never forget you. you are my family too
— doug linyard, January 1, 2010MY sincere condolences to the family. Jack was my dentist all my life until he retired. Some people questioned why I went to him & never anyone else. I never really had a good answer, other than that I liked him & he always treated you fairly. I often saw & spoke to him in the mornings when he was up getting his paper & morning coffee. For the rest of the family, I also went to high school & played ball with Jack Jr for many years. May God bless you all in your time of sorrow. Keith Rawn
— Keith Rawn, January 1, 2010Dear Sue Your father sounds like a real renaissance man with many talents. I could tell your affection for him from the stories you told me. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Lorna
— Lorna Young, January 1, 2010We would like to express our sincere sympathy to the family. I started going to Jack for my dental work when I was fourteen. We had many a laugh and a joke until my last tooth was pulled! When I got married Jack attended our Wedding. And Jack became my husband's Dentist. Bruce and I have always thought fondly of Jack. God made Jack special! Over the last month, each time we were in Mount Forest, I had a strong desire to see Jack. But, unfortunately I didn't follow that "gut feeling" and I'm sorry I didn't see him one more time. Jack will always live on through the memories and goodtimes he had with each one of you. Sincere sympathy, Bruce and Marna (Lee) Elschner Listowel
— Bruce and Marna Elschner, January 1, 2010The Kennedy Family: So sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your Dad, I ran into him often downtown, he always called me by name followed with a wise crack! He had a great sense of humour and was a well respected member of the community. I will miss him.
— shelley weber, January 1, 2010Dear Karen, Your Mom and and all your family. We were so sorry to hear of the sudden death of your loved one, Jack. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time. With sympathy, Marie and Keith
— Marie and Keith Stahan, January 1, 2010Our sincere condolences to all of Jack's children. He was a real character and made a lot of people appreciate the humourous side of life. We hope your memories of your Dad will give you strength in your grief and help in the healing process. Sincerely, Patti-Jo McLellan Shaw & Jim Shaw
— Patti-Jo McLellan Shaw, January 1, 2010